How do I find out more?

All Units are members of VicSESVA and all individual members are welcome to attend VicSESVA meetings. Information about the NSESVA is also reported on regularly at VicSESVA meetings. VicSESVA meeting minutes (listing the activities, meeting notes, working groups, task forces, action items etc. currently undertaken), calls for articles for Phoenix, reports and notifications are sent to Unit email addresses, not individual members’ addresses. If you do not receive this information, please ask your local Unit to ensure it is reaching the Unit inbox or register yourself to recieve these updates on our website

If you need more information about VicSESVA, check out the second last page of each Phoenix magazine, where it explains what the Association is and does, or look at the website, Better still, come along to VicSESVA meetings and join in the advocacy work and representation already underway. You may be interested in participating as a Unit delegate, or take part in working groups or task forces.